Saturday, March 21, 2009

My apologies

I apologize to anyone who might have wanted to comment on the "judge not" post. I had a spam comment left on it and the trash can would not show up. It was sexual content which I "will not" allow on my blog. The only way I could get rid of the comment was to turn comments off for that blog. Thank you all for reading and commenting on my blogs it means a lot to me. I've set my comments to moderate so this does not happen again and all my other blogs will have comments open. Thanks again and God bless.


  1. It is really sad that these things happen. I love reading your blog. You always lift my spirit with your wonderful faith. I'll be looking forward to reading your new posts.

    Thank you for sharing your inspirational writing. Enjoy the day!(smile)

    Blessings to you,

  2. Thank you so much, its mutual. I love reading yours also, you paint pictures with your words and are an inspiration.
    It is sad and aggravating that there are people who have nothing better to do with their time than create spam to contradict and blemish the writing of others or try to promote their perversity by posting filth in their comments :(
