Sunday, June 20, 2010

As Father's day draws to a close...

I am reminded of Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
I am so thankful Lord for all You have done for me. Your mercy and grace abound in my life. You are truly worthy to be praised.
Your word says that before I was born You knew me. I thank you for the earthly "dad" you gave me. Without realizing why, (until I read the verse above), I was never taught to call him my Father and I'm so glad because that honor truly only goes to You. He was always my dad, - in my younger days he was daddy. Thank you for showing through him all my life, for instilling in me (he and my mom), a love for You. For raising me to walk in Your footsteps. I know I have been blessed because many did not have that. I know he wasn't perfect, but once upon a time there was a little blue-eyed blonde haired girl that thought he was. He did set a Godly example for me all of my life and I can never thank You or him enough for that. I pray that today there are many that can say that about their dad's but I know that those who can't do have the opportunity to call You Father the same as I do. Help them, take that step Father God, no matter what is going on in their lives right now, they can turn to you as Father, dad, comforter, You will never let them down. Help me to be the kind of example to my children and grandchildren and to the world, that my dad was for me. In Jesus precious and wonderful name. Amen

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