1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
How can we tell when people are twisting the truth? Before accepting any teaching, find out what they teach about Jesus. If any teaching does not match up with the Word of God then it's false. InJohn 17:17, Jesus prayed , "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."
When people think of satan, they see the character drawn in story books and depicted in pictures of an evil looking character with horns and a sharp arrow like tail carrying a pitchfork. Because satan is evil this might be a good example of his character but the Bible says he was one of God's most beautiful angels. Those who know God also know satan for what he truly is. However, if we don't put on the whole armor of God daily we are just as susceptible to satan's pillaging as anyone else, maybe more so because when he is trying to turn a child of God away from God, he is much more subtle. He is an eloquent speaker, pleasing to the eye and the senses. He is evil, but he doesn't appear evil, quite the contrary, he tries to make evil look good. The Bible says he can quote scripture. You know why? Because he was an angel, he knows God's plan and he knows he is going to lose, he doesn't care about winning the battle, he cares about taking as many of God's creation with him as he can. Using someone to twist scripture, bringing doubt in your mind about your faith, using your past against you are just some of the tools he will use to bring about his plan. Satan will use scripture to bring doubt into your mind, he will use scripture to destroy your faith, he will use scripture to justify a wrong, again he will use whatever he can to make evil appear good.
He knows our weaknesses. He will bring up the past, not to rebuke you but to cause the flesh to rise up and want to do things of the past that we've already been forgiven for. Remember if you are being tried, rejoice as Paul did. The bible says (paraphrasing) trials and tests of our faith produces patience. If satan isn't tempting you or attacking you, he isn't worried about you. You are no threat to him!!
If you are no threat to satan, you are no good to God! Don't misunderstand what I'm saying,God loves you-you are His most beloved child. However, satan should tremble when your feet hit the floor (not the other way around). Resist the devil and he will flee. If you aren't resisting him you aren't helping/serving God. Choose ye this day......
That's why it is so important to know the truth, to search out the truth on your own as well as being taught. Effective fervent prayer is communication with the Lord. He will show you the truth, all you have to do is ask.
Again, try the spirits, God will show you the truth in His word and the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you in your prayer life. I pray constantly for God to give me knowledge and understanding of His word for myself and to share with you. I know the seriousness of misleading or teaching someone wrong. As this battle rages my favorite verse always comes to mind. Phil. 4:13.
God provided for us in this war. He has given us the whole armor, all we have to do is put it on. What is the first piece of armor mentioned in Eph. 6:10-19? "Having your loins gird about withtruth."
Father, God, I love You and praise You. You are the most High God and the only God in my life. You are the great I Am and I'm so thankful You have made provision for me, for all of us. You are my comforter, my protector, my guide, my ever present strength in the face of danger and trials. Forgive me today for anything I have done or said that was not in line with Your word, or was/is displeasing to You. Help me likewise, to forgive those who have wronged me. Lord I pray today for myself and all those reading, that you help us put on Your whole armor. To choose today to serve You. Help us to be strong in the power of Your might. Help us to stand against the wiles of the devil, whatever he may bring against us. Help us to resist the devil so he will flee from us using the power You have given us through Your Son Jesus Christ. Help us Lord when all else seems to fail to remember Your armor. To stand with truth, righteousness and Your gospel. Above all, to hold up our shield of faith, wear our helmet of salvation and carry our sword of the Spirit so we are covered from the top of our head to the souls of our feet with Your power and might. Though satan rages against us, we are assured victory. Thank You Lord for Your armor, thank You for Your might, thank You for Your power and protection. Most of all thank you Lord for saving us, for adopting us in to Your family. Though the storm rages we are safe in Your care. Open our ears and our hearts to Your truths Father. Be with us and give us boldness in spreading Your gospel. Help us to realize the seriousness of the battle we are facing and give us a true heart for the lost. When Your Son, Jesus cast out demons He did not ask them quietly or timidly to leave the people alone, He used one word, "Go", using that same power and authority that You have given us as Your children. Help us to be able, knowledgeable, wise and available soldiers in this battle and we give You all honor and glory and praise, Heavenly Father, You are worthy. In Your Son Jesus, precious Heavenly name. Amen
God bless
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
His servant
ReplyDeleteJust as Moses commanded the King of Egypt.. Saith the Lord: LET MY PEOPLE GO! We need to have that same boldness and authority of Moses. God had it written for our use. Satan used God's word to tempt Jesus.. and Jesus said "IT IS WRITTEN..."
See that? Satan took something out of context of the word of God and used it to tempt Jesus. He took a verse out.. He made the word of God "sound" right, but it wasn't. And Jesus came back revealing the full truth.. the full real meaning of the word.
This was witnessed recently on this blog posting: http://serious-things.com/god-hates-sin-but-loves-the-sinner/ Someone said "Hell doesn't exist. Everyone is going to heaven." The person gave me a handful of scriptures "that sounded good." So I took a closer look. I gave her the benefit of the doubt.. and I looked to see what she was saying... and what did I find? Every verses taken out of context from their real meanings. Every one. Then she said: "I believe.." that the word perish means a temporary thing. I looked up the hebrew word in the bible, it means a prolonged condition! She used the words: "I think.." and "I believe.." multiple times. The Lord saith: Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not on your own understanding.
The sad sad sad thing about this? It very well may not have been her fault. There are many pulpits out there preaching such messages. "God is love! There is no hell! There is more than 1 way to God! We all worship the same God, just in our own special way! Come closer, let me rub your ego and fancy your emotions a little more! mwahahaha!" Lies, lies and more lies.
Welcome brother! Thanks for stopping by. I remember that conversation and sadly I think she went away unconvinced :( It's very hard to throw out what we've been taught all our lives to actually start learning and accepting the truth, (another one of satan's tactics). Binding us and closing our ears to the true gospel which the Holy Spirit tries to reveal to us. Thank God for those who will listen and try to share the gospel. As you said, it may not have been her fault but we have a society today that only wants to hear good and for some in the pulpit it controls their finances so they are going to preach what people want to hear instead of what they need to hear. As you said lies, lies, lies. I pray again that we all get a true heart for the lost and go boldly out with the true gospel. Yes God is love, but also "yes, Virginia, there is a hell" and the Bible says it ENLARGES daily!