I will be the first to tell you, I have some serious trust issues. At my age, until recently I was like a child with trust, very naive. I have always looked for the good in people and even when they hurt me I would make excuses for them. Something I must have done, or said, or they are having a bad day, or they just don't understand etc. etc. You get the idea. In the past few months someone I trusted with my life has left a hurt and distrust in me that even God in His Supremecy has had trouble dealing with me over. And deal with me He has, just like any Father trying to get a point across to their children. Word after word from His word beginning with:
Micah 7:5 Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.
Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Psalms 40:4 Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.
Then He spoke to me. My child I give you the people you need in your life, not so that you will take your eyes and your trust off of me but so that you will learn to trust me more. Do not lean on your own understanding of who you can trust. Look around you and fellowship with those "I" have given you. Save your inner most secrets and thoughts for you and I. I already know, I know from your waking up until your going to sleep, what you think, what you do, what you need. Trust me, put all your faith in me, I will never leave or forsake you, I will never let you down. Listen to me when I speak to you in that still small voice, I will give you direction if you just hear me.
Again I have to say, God is so awesome. I am praying it through, part of the reason I was so hurt was my own fault. I let talking to that one become more important than talking to God. (Not the first time or only one I have done this with I might add, sometimes takes me a couple of knocks to learn a lesson lol) God is faithful, He waited patiently and He used this situation to turn me around to show me truly how much more He can be trusted. I will become more trusting of others again, but now I know that God, sticks closer than a brother, and all my secrets, feelings etc. are safe with Him. I let Him lead me in decisions, I know I will not let anyone else become more important than Him and when He nudges me and tells me I'm about to tell to much to a particular person, I will listen because He has done it before and I plowed right on and trusted them anyway. He is helping me to learn balance and in the meantime He is giving me comfort and others to let me talk through this pain with as long as I remember, He comes first. I'm not saying I will never trust anyone again, but I will be more aware of "who" I trust with "what". We are all human and all fall short, sometimes without meaning to.
God bless all
His servant
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
Thanks for your obedience in flowing what He's showing you. I needed this. Around an hour ago, I said to a brother "I think I'm too transparent and reveal too much to you."
ReplyDeleteSee, I confessed to this brother a challenge I have in my life that I'm aware of and in communication w/ the Lord with. Today, he was talking about a challenge in his life and I was guiding him with scripture. He said "Joe... I'm sorry, but it's hard to listen to what you're saying when you have challenges and are not walking in what you say."
Boy... I'm not sure yet how to take this. I'm supposed to confess myself to the brethren.. but he makes a good point. I'm a hypocrite. At first, I took offense to this..the typical human response. But after I thought about it, I was like... ya know, he is right.
But then again, if I refrain the tongue, I'm not confessing to the brethren. I could just as easily hide my sin like the next guy. That's not right and doesn't sit well w/ me.
idk.... gotta pray on this one. So anyways, thanks for what you just posted.. It was a little thump as a reminder of something He's working on me with, that I forgot about already! ugh. :)
Love ya sista, keep on keepin' on.
Got my answer on this! :)
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about what others think, just be who we are in-Christ.
I spoke the Truth to this brother, but instead of seeing Jesus, he saw me. Then he considered me not righteous enough to share the word of God. Well, he's right, me...Joseph, I am not righteous enough, I never will be. Ah, but through Faith in Christ, I am justified.. made righteous. Purged.
I say we should be who God made us to be, in-Christ, regardless of others.
Check out the paradoxical commandments -
People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.
how ya doin sista? kinda quiet out there!
ReplyDeleteThank you; I always fond something of what I need when I read here. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks dc, I pray that God will use me any way He will and am so thankful He chooses here and doubly grateful that you get something from it:).
ReplyDeleteBro. Jo, I'm so sorry about my absence, I've taken a minute to read but haven't been able to get the time to reply or post any blogs. I had my grandchildren for a while and the little one keeps me hopping. I'm so glad God doesn't "wait" on me when His children need a word and so glad He gave you the answers you needed (they were definitely better than anything I could have said :) I was thinking when I read it, how quickly others are to judge us and if not careful we could/would do the very same thing. The struggle is not the problem, the problem is our reaction to the struggles and if we are seeking answers from God and in God's word then that does not make us a hypocrite, that just makes us human and shows us that we have much work to do to get the flesh in alignment with the Spirit. I pray that whatever struggles you are having now you are able to draw strength and comfort from the Lord and overcome. I know that I'm far from perfect and there are a couple of areas in my life that have been a struggle for me. My faith in God, however, is NOT one of those. Its getting myself lined with His will for me. I know what He wants for me, I see it and yet I drag my feet because it is stepping out of my comfort zone. It also involves letting go of some things that God requires of me and just like a child, I know I need to if I'm to advance in my walk but I'm crying and whining I'm not ready while He tells me constantly yes you are, remember My will. All that is left for me is to say, "Yes Lord", now having said all that, there are some who would condemn me because (knowing I need to), I still haven't done that (and I pray God never allows me to cause another to stumble), but I'm a very good example why no one should put their eyes on any "person" but God only. I am not perfect and I don't want anyone to follow me, I want them to follow Christ, I'm only a very cracked and misshapen vessel trying to share what He gives me. Love and God bless.