Sunday, May 23, 2010

Look What the Lord Has Done

Look what the Lord has done.
Look what the Lord has done.
He healed my body, He touched my mind,
He saved me just in time.
I'm gonna praise His name,
His name is just the same.
I'm gonna praise Him,
look what the Lord has done.
That is one of my favorite praise and worship songs, of course just like Bible verses, I have many favorites.
What has the Lord done for you today? If you are reading this, you can say He has given you the precious breath of life another day! Praise God.
He gave you today but what you do with today is up to you. God gave you freewill and a choice. He gave you breath, He gave you life. The rest of the day's choices are up to you, beginning with choosing to get out of bed or just lay there. The Bible says to choose "this day" whom you will serve. Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
As for me and my house, we WILL serve the Lord.
Look what the Lord has done. Have you asked God for healing, finances, maybe just some peace in your day? Did you pray believing? Did you praise Him immediately after for answering your prayers? Or, did you first check the symptoms to see if He had?
Let me stray a bit to say (again) as I've said before in my blogs. God is speaking to me and I've asked myself all the same questions that I write in my blogs. I am never attacking anyone with what I write.
Unfortunately, not to long ago my answer to those questions were yes, no and yes.
I prayed (yes), I did not praise God immediately after (no), and I immediately checked to "see" if God had answered my prayers (no).
But... I'm learning!!! I'm learning to put ALL my faith in God. That means that now I go to Him in prayer (yes), I praise Him for His grace and Mercy first, (which by the way are free), (yes), and His answer to my prayers, and I no longer look immediately at the circumstances to see if He has answered me, because I know He will, (yes). I know that God in His infinite wisdom is going to answer my prayers, not in my time but in His time. He tells me in His word "anything" I ask, 1 John 5:14-15, 14And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 15And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
If I pray for healing, I believe He has healed me. If I don't see the results immediately I don't look to see, I continue to praise Him for what He is going to do.
We can choose to hang on to our sickness and problems and NOT claim healing or we can "pick up our bed and walk". Look what the Lord has done!
I recently read a wonderful book with all you need to know about healing and praying God's will. It's called the Bible. I have never enjoyed reading any other book as much as that one since I prayed for God to reveal His word to me! God gives us so much and every promise He has made He has to keep because He cannot lie.
I read another book on healing and something the author said in the book caught my attention. She said, "When god heals you, you can't keep your handicap sign". I love that. Who would want to??? So many times we pray for healing or ask others to pray for healing for us and then we don't accept it. We just go on complaining and showing our lack of faith. We choose to lay in bed instead of picking it up.
I was reading in Acts 3:19, about the lame man that laid outside the temple gates asking for alms.
Peter and John commanded him "in the name of Jesus", "to get up and walk and he did, praising God for his healing! Not only that, the Bible says he leaped up. He had a choice. Beggars can't be choosers but God gives us the right to choose. Laying outside the temple begging for alms, its an uncommon word to us. He didn't worry about what he would do next or how he would live. He just KNEW he was healed. He leaped up and praised God. Look what the Lord has done.
Father, God help me to walk in Your perfect will. Help me always when I pray to leap up accepting Your blessings and my healing from You. I give you praise, honor and glory right now Father for what You have done. Touch my life today, heal me from the inside out Lord. I have a special hurt in my life that only You can heal right now Lord God, You know what it is. Heal and cleanse my heart first, help me to live and love as You do. Keep me in Your perfect will and sustain me, lead and guide me today.
Father, I ask for those reading this today that You would heal them, whatever the problem God, You know what it is. Help them to see You instead of the mountain they are facing. You are bigger than any mountain. Heal them and help them to see that You are the Great Physician, nothing is to big or too small for You. Help them Lord to grow in faith so they can learn to depend on You. Touch them in a mighty way Father so they have no doubt their healing and answered prayers come from You. In Jesus name I ask and pray. Lord again I give You all the praise, honor and glory knowing that whatever we ask in Jesus name, believing and having faith in You, You are faithful and just to answer our prayers. I love you Lord and I praise You. In the name of Jesus. Amen
Now, "Look what the Lord has done." Take up your bed in the name of Jesus, you are healed!!
God bless

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