2 Timothy 2:15 (NASB)15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
I have to say, it's not easy preaching and teaching the truth!! I see friends on facebook growing in their relationship with the Lord, learning the truths of the Bible and throwing out the teachings of man that they have grown up with their whole life and I am so THANKFUL. I thank God for each and everyone that will pray, study, fast, read and pray some more for God to reveal the truth to them and then accept it when HE does!! Many times God plants a seed through some small something that another person says or HE plants a thought in our minds. Because of free will, it is then up to us to do something with it. My heart breaks for those who follow after men, whether it be t.v. Evangelists or their own church Pastor, OR their dad or granddad or uncle etc. No one, let me repeat, no one will make it into the Kingdom of God based on their relationship with their pastor or any other man. You cannot follow man and God, you can learn some things from man but if it doesn't line up with Scripture, it's not correct.
Here is why the title says, "Don't Shoot the Messenger": When God lays it on someone's heart to pray and search the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit teaches them something, IF they obey God, they do not keep that information to themselves. IF they have the love of Christ in them, they do not keep that information to themselves. IF they are truly concerned and love their neighbor as themselves, they do not keep that information to themselves. They are a messenger, they are the person at that moment that the Holy Spirit has pointed towards truth. Our job is not to immediately discredit them, slander them, destroy or expose them, etc. If we are truly a Child of God, we will search the Scriptures, pray and ask God if it's truth, not toss it out because our Pastor doesn't agree or didn't preach it.
Now listen to me carefully, please. I am not saying that you should be "tossed about by every wind of doctrine". I am saying that everything we have been taught from childhood is NOT necessarily the truth. We HAVE to pray, search the scriptures and make sure what we are hearing or reading lines up with the Word of God. IF what you are reading or hearing does NOT line up with the Word of God, then you can expose false witness, BUT be careful that you search the scriptures and make sure it doesn't line up with it. Make sure you aren't kicking against something you've just "always been taught".
If we are going to get anywhere in our relationship with God, we have got to "come out of the world". We have got to get out of doctrine and into God's truth. We've got to stop believing everything we hear and read and study to show our own selves approved. Sometimes learning the truth will also be backed up with other research materials, i.e. Sunday observation, where did it come from?, Easter, Christmas, The Pre-Rapture theory. Not only are these NOT Biblical but you can find through History where these things began and how they came about being celebrated. I am just listing those few but there are many more things we have been taught to believe come from the Lord only to find out if we study them out that they actually were created by man.
I am just a messenger, but shoot me if you must! Until then I will keep revealing what the Holy Spirit reveals to me. To those who are willing to learn, God bless you, continue your search and prayer. To those who are not willing and get angry when the lies are exposed, I will pray for you and I still love you, so does God.
All I ask is prayer, that I will continue to pray, fast, seek God and be led by the Lord and the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Prayer that I will stand for the truth and not fall for anything! I pray the same for you.
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